tiistai 24. huhtikuuta 2007

Oh boy!

I had the oral exam in Icelandic today. It was pair work, thus making it the most stressful thing I would have in my studies in here. We did fine, and I'm sure we both passed it. Such a relief. I've still got written exams in Icelandic and history coming up, but at least I'll only screw up my own stuff if I don't do well in those.

Now I can start committing myself to finding a job. And a new place to live in. That's long overdue, and not sure I can pull it off yet anyway, but at least I'll try harder.

Today I shall have a couple of exquisite and expensive ales, and not feel bad about it at all. It'll be rather chillax from now on.

Also, it looks like I may be able to pull off a curious move and go to the Big Chill festival in England in August. It'll be kickass. And Emmi, if you're still reading, check out these. Some very interesting Polish movie poster art right there. I wouldn't mind covering my walls with some of those.

2 kommenttia:

Djaddi kirjoitti...

Congrats! And good luck finding a job. Are you planning on staying here for a while?

Those posters are pretty cool, by the way. I had no idea Polish posters where so surreal.

dtw kirjoitti...

Yeah, the plan is to stay over the summer. Of course, if I can find a truly fantastic job, who knows? I like keeping the options open.

And yeah, many of those posters are truly fantastic. I wonder if they still do it, or has the global uniformity juggernaut eliminated the local poster cultures?