There are times in everyone's life when change is inevitable.
There are decisions that may appear small, but later on you discover they took you into a completely different direction.
There are things that you do, even though you know beforehand that they will lead to another.
There is the kind of determinat... Geez, okay okay, I'll just stop rambling.
I became a goon.
No. I didn't accept a job offer for some shady security service representant neither did I plan to start being a football hooligan.
I registered a forum account to Something Awful.
At this point I know that one of the three readers goes "...", the second one is like "???" and the third says "uh, yeah, and?" Allow me to elaborate!
Something Awful is internet's premier community for things that:
- are geeky
- are angry
- are funny
- do not make sense
- most likely are a combination of most of the above
As the site describes itself: "Something Awful has been mocking itself and the internet since 1999, bringing you reviews of the worst movies, video games, and websites to ever exist. If it's something and it's awful, it's probably on Something Awful, where the internet makes you stupid."
So there you have it. If you don't find yourself terribly offended by all this information, you might be equipped with a suitable mindset for an awesome exploration in the world of nonsense. A few possibly good starting points might be either the Misspelled Movies II or Anagrammed Video Games Photoshop Phriday collections. Or the ubiquitous Your Band Sucks. I know I'm cheap, but I couldn't not laugh at the likes of Super Air Brooms or Gonad Farming. If you're adventurous enough, you might even wander to the forums. I take no responsibility for anything though.
On a completely different note, this has been one of the days which warrant the Icelandic saying "we don't get weather in here, we only get samples." I woke up rather early to perform some finishing touches for my Icelandic history presentation, which I somewhat successfully gave today. At that time it was raining. When I was ready to start wandering towards the campus, I looked out of the window and saw a relatively clear morning, and it looked to stay that way. After ten minutes of frantic printing I moved into another building at the campus, and it had started snowing. After a few hours of classes, it looked rather clear again, although there were some rather gloomy grey clouds visible in the west. Well, they were moving towards us, and in 15 minutes it was hailing.
Although technically I'm not sure if it really was hailing, since hailstones usually tend to be pretty hard and these were definately not icy. Maybe the guy responsible for atmospheric convection was some sort of a bored summer worker today. They might've not been all that concerned with quality, letting the to-be-hailstones drop off the upstreams and out of the clouds before they were properly formed. Yeah.
After grocery shopping for five or so minutes it was clear again. When I began to write the previous chapter, it was snowing again, and now when I finish this, it's clear again. I kid you not.
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6 kommenttia:
Nayttaa kylla sunlaisilta sivuilta!
Kommenttini koskee kuitenkin nyt vain sita tosiasiaa, et aijalla on tyylikkaita paitoja ja se nakee Airin. Ma en oikein tieda kuinka tahan suhtautua.Mut jos ma kaannyn taalla hartaaksi katolilaiseksi, niin saatan nahda, ennemmin tai myohemmin, itse Jumalan. Mita siihen sanot? Mita tulee paitoihin niin...en voi kylla sua paihittaa.
Taalla ensi viikolla Yann Tiersen -se olkoot mun lohdutuspalkinto :)
...ja munlaisilta sivuilta! Voi ma tahdon jalleen netin kotiin! Silla jos musta puhutaan taalla jo nyt joksenkin "oman tiensa kulkijana", niin tilannetta ei varmaan auta se, etta luen internet-salissa hymyillen latvialaista itsetyydytysopasta.
Muhaahaaa!Hyvaa viikonloppua pohjosen mias!
Hah! Arvasin sun reaktion. ;)
1/3 confirmed.
Jos satut katolilaiseksi kääntymään, ni en mä kyllä siihen oikein osaa sanoa mitään. Onnea valitsemallasi tiellä ehkäpä. Ja hei, pistäs Amonin linkki talteen. Jos satut tapaamaan Jumalan, ni välitä se hänelle. Kun jos mä joudun jonkinlaiselle tuomiolle viimeisenä päivänä, ni meikästä ois kivaa että se tuomari ois casuaalisti pukeutunut.
Ja sitäpaitti, kyllähän sie tiedät nottei oman tiensä kulkemisessa ole mittään negatiivista. Päinvastoin! Latvialainen itsetyydytysopas tosin herättää liudan kysymyksiä, joita en kuitenkaan häveliäänä herrasmiehenä kehtaa esittää edes sivulauseessa.
Meidän kiertomusiikkitikkuperinne sai muuten tänään, tai teknisesti ehkä eilen, islantilaisen jatko-osan. Ehkä perinteestä tulee vielä saaga. Jolly good!
Mutta hyvää Yann Tierseniä! Ja hyvää viikonloppua! Ja hyvää somethingawfulia! Ja hyvää...
Kaino toivomuksesi on valitetty eteenpain korkeammalle taholle. Jumalalta terkkuja: tuo se kiertotikku tullessasi, alkaa tuo helvetin harpunsoitto jo kyllastyttaa.
Mita tulee somethingawfuliin, niin kylla ma perehdyin muihinkin juttuihin ja ilmioihin ja asioihin....
Will do! Mä vähän ajattelinkin että siellä käy ajan mittaan ykstoikkoiseksi toi ainainen harppuja & viinirypäleitä -meininki.
Hienoa että sä oot jo ehtinyt perehtyä kaikenmoisiin asioihin ja ilmiöihin! Varo vaan ettet liikaa perehdy. Muuten mä koen olevani tarpeettoman huono vaikute.
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